Cheap phones or Best mobile phone deals
To get Cheap phone go thru the refurbished market and directly buy to individuals!
To get cheap phones, the tips is to go thru individuals to individuals deal. Compared to refurbished phone you can get on internet and shops you will save 20% to 50% money.
Individual to Individual process means using advertising web sites (Craiglists and others), auctions web sites (Ebay and others) or buy the phone to your personal network (friends, family, neighbors, colleagues).
What is the cheap phones status and health?
However, there are risks to assess. What is the Smartphone status and health: Stolen, Broken, Damaged, Insane, Unsafe, Strange, dysfunctional? These are devices that can be sold on the second hand or refurbished market. DEAL CERTIFY has considered how to minimize these issues to realize the best mobile phone deals.
Risk 1: the device is stolen.
DEAL CERTIFY will check for you the legal authorities. Therefore if the device is stolen, lost or tracked by authority, DEAL CERTIFY will report this to you. For example, when a phone is declared as stolen or lost by its owner, it is blacklisted in the database. Then, it is impossible to use the device with any operator plan. This is a big risk assessment supported by DEAL CERTIFY.
Risk 2: the advert is unclear, misleading…
Whatever it has been done intentionally or by accident, it happens. By the way, do you know really what are you phone characteristics ?
DEAL CERTIFY application also checks the device characteristics and automatically reports them within the advert. Again, refer to the DEAL CERTIFY certificate with total confidence here. You’ll get for what you pay.
Risk 3: paying the wrong price
Clearly, what a shopper want is paying the lowest for the best quality or performance. Here first we recommend you to focus on the device model fitting with your needs or expectations. After, look for 100% tested devices with DEAL CERTIFY. Thus you should get a certificate from the seller.
Risk-less second hand Smartphone deal
Sellers have to use the DEAL CERTIFY App to create a certificate that the buyer can view thru an URL displayed in the advert.
In case, they didn’t, Buyer shall ask seller to process DEAL CERTIFY application on there phone or ignore there offer and focus on a phone with a certificate.
Secure the best phone deals
Whatever the way you get the Smartphone delivered, hand to hand or by mail delivery: run again the DEAL CERTIFY tests! and check:
- Results are consistent and similar (under same conditions)
- Device characteristics are same
- IMEI is the same
- Shape of the device is right (screen doesn’t have scratches, there is no chocks visible on the device
If you need further help is using DEAL CERTIFY services, you can read our FAQ.
And finally, get officially the phone property
Sign the dead of assignment contact to legally prove the device property has changed